I meet Skender in the summer of 2021. At this time I was working on a series of nude photographs. They shows interest and asks me to photograph them in a way that their breasts are not visible. This moment was the trigger for the project that now, almost two years later, officially begins with these images.
It is a portrait about a person who would prefer to banish the subject of their own identities from their everyday life. Because without wanting to, they cannot, like many others, simply take their place in society. They is forced to redefine it and, despite all contradictions, to defend it again and again against theirself and the world. Is constantly being pushed, asked, patterned, admired or rejected on the basis of their visual characteristics from the outside and can thus hardly avoid the omnipresent confrontation. Everyone can see it: Skender is queer. And that's it? Basically, Skender is just Skender. Like every other person with worries and problems, with his own character, wishes and plans. I strive to see them in just that, and to find images that they presents to me through their presence, their narratives, questions, and our conversations.
They takes back power over theirself by consciously choosing to be looked at. Gives up responsibility to be able to look at theirself through other eyes, creates closeness and distance at the same time.
Together we begin this very personal project and where it leads us is open.
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